Rayn Raynolds: The Green Lantern
June 10, 2011
“I can safely say that I am very green.” said Scarlet ex husband when asked if he believes in a green clean planet. “I drive 100 percent electric car. I have solar panels all over my house. I don’t draw energy from the city. I use grey water. I compost. I grew up in a household that was incredibly motivated to give a little bit back in terms of the environment. As far as clothes are concerned, I don’t wear vegan slippers to bed. But no, everything else I try to be a little bit aware of what I’m doing, what I’m consuming and all that stuff.”
The movie is another thing: A test pilot is granted a mystical green ring that bestows him with otherworldly powers, as well as membership into an intergalactic squadron tasked with keeping peace within the universe...