Golden Globe Nominees Part 2
January 6, 2011
Buona Befana!
This is for the ol’ lady that, in Italy,
puts coal in the stoking of bad the morning of January 6... Big Holiday over there!
Best Actor nominee RYAN GOSLING ("Blue Valentine")
I find it painful to watch my character, because he can't accept that his wife doesn't love him anymore, and doesn't have the grace to allow her to be free. He's trying to possess her and to hold her to some promise that she made years ago.
MICHELLE WILLIAMS, Best actress nominee ("Blue Valentine’)
What interested me was the opportunity to figure out how do you go from having the strongest deepest affection for somebody to wanting them off the face of the planet. It was a mystery that I wasn't solving in my own life, but in my detective work as an actress, the answers are easier to find.